티스토리 뷰

It's the safest way to R

이게 ~하는 가장 안전한 방법이야.

That must be~.

그거참 ~하겠다.

get used to 명사/대명사/-ing

~에 익숙해지다.

R : Hello. Are you nervous?

P : Yes. I've always had a fear of flying.

R : Don't worry. It's the safest way to travel. 

P : Yeah, I guess you're right.

R : Since I retired, I've been traveling all over the place.

P : Oh, that must be so nice.

R : Well, you'll get used to it soon.

P : Thank you. But honestly, I'm just waiting for this flight to end.

* I've always had a fear of heights since I was young but I hope I'll get used to it.
